(3) Notes presenting a full explanation of atomic structure. This PhET online simulation can be done in the classroom or during distance learning. All of the PhET simulations are available from their website:. PhET simulations incorporate research based, student centered activities that are fun and easy to use.

The Build an Atom simulation is easy to use, interactive and gives immediate feedback when students are answering questions to check their understanding of key concepts. Students love working with the online simulations from PhET Interactive Simulations.
They will also be introduced to the layout of the periodic table and how to locate elements on it. Phet Simulator: Build an Atom Name: Date: Period: 1) Go to the following: and click Play, then select Atom. They will learn the important terms used to describe atoms such as atomic number, mass number and net charge. In this inquiry-based PhET online lab your students will investigate atomic structure and the subatomic particles that make up atoms using the Build an Atom simulation. Build an atom out of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and see how the element, charge, and mass change.