A rule that we fixed to ourself is to never do the same thing twice. Modul8 HD Version V3. +41 (0)22 379 11 34 Campus Accessibility University Calendar Admission. We do it in a duo with Théo Phildius, STRUCTURALS. They also give a great adrenaline and motivation to correct them. Au cours de ce programme, et à travers des projets de groupe et des projets individuels, les étudiants apprennent les principes et techniques liés au développement, à la pré-production, à la production et à la post-production cinématographiques - principes et techniques alignés sur les standards de l’industrie. It forces to create errors, and errors are making projects alive. Live is more organic, somehow human generated out of the computer, while using it. Talking about live, it's an other aspect that I find really interesting. All effects, colors, shapes, and animations can be combined in a wide variety of ways. Each piece of media is a layer and can be manipulated in real-time.
Founded in 2003 its various creative projects include Modul8, a professional VJ / real-time video mixing application for Mac OS X, a VJ collective and co-organizer of the Mapping Festival. modul8 allows you to flex your creative muscles combining effects and filters, enabling you to develop your own style with spatial and temporal compositions. This project gives me the possibility to go through all the steps of the process, from the sketch on paper, to the 3D simulation, the technicals aspects of the installation, the construction of the installation and the final live performance on it, when it's possible. GarageCUBE is a firm based in Geneva, Switzerland. That's why we created the association FOLNUI in 2018. Created by professional VJs and developped by real-time imaging specialists, all coming from the video game industry, Modul8 offers a state-of-the-art user interface combined with very high performance. It has been designed for VJs and live performers. On my projects, I try to modify the perception of places and things, from the printed book or poster to the led installation or monumental mapping, I also love to work on scenography ideas and concepts for events and installations. Modul8 overview Modul8 is designed for real-time video mixing and compositing. Hey! I'm a graphic designer and new media artist based in Switzerland, somewhere between Geneva and Renens I like to think about projects as a whole and be able to mix techniques, medias and mediums. Founded in 2003 its various projects include Modul8, a professional VJ / real-time video mixing application for Mac OS X, a VJ collective and co-organzier of the Mapping Festival. Visual communication /pablofelley scenography & installations /folnui live performance & VJ structurals.ch /structurals_vj about me GarageCube is a firm based in Geneva, Switzerland.